Beholder's Lair
TAGS indie
GENRES Platformer

Beholder's Lair is a difficult 2D platformer that revolves around skillfully avoiding different kinds of enemies. Learn the movement patterns of your enemies, outsmart them and escape the demons lair!

With glory and treasure in mind, you journeyed into Zindan, an old dungeon located near the ancient desert city of Urf. After days of exploring, fighting, and looting you were captured in your sleep by cultists. Turns out the old dungeon had a new inhabitant. A beholder recently decided to carve his lair inside the dungeon and you were lucky enough to set camp next to it. There is only one way to escape the demon's lair. Will you be able to escape? Or will you share the fate of many others before you?

Release date: 2021

Engine: Godot

Runtime: godot

Developer: Kaan Alpar

Publisher: Alpar Entertainment

Status: Launches (2021-08-21)